The release of Tron: Legacy is just two weeks away, and if our in depth guide to Tron-a-Sutra didn't get you revved up, perhaps the street legal Tron Light Cycle will. Via Wired: "A Florida bike shop ...
Just the other day, we featured Perry Watkins' "Wind Up" mini car, plus his extreme lowrider, the "Flatmobile". Both impressive. But somehow I missed Watkins' most delightfully absurd vehicle. "Fast ...
Perry Watkins' clownish mini car, "The Wind Up", is officially the world's smallest street legal vehicle, standing at 41 inches high, 51 inches long and 26 inches wide. The wind up mechanism is purely ...
If you're thinking about making some minor paint repairs on your vehicle, getting that paint to match the color on your car can be a difficult task. This video will help you out by showing you how to ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to install Recon LED Strobes and HIDs on a truck. You must first learn where each of the tires need to install and make sure they are placed in the right direction for w ...
If you've just finished your paint job on your vehicle, then you're not done yet— you still have to clean up, and making sure the paint gun you used is properly cleaned is the key to successful future ...
If you're painting your auto yourself, you might need a little help if you've never done it before, especially when it comes to the primer sealer and apply your first base coat of paint. This video wi ...
Kudos to Fred Keller and Judy Foster, of Anchorage, Alaska, for undertaking quite possibly the DIY project of the year. The retired couple spent 11 months converting a 1976 Mazda pickup truck into a g ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to install a cold air intake for a 96-04 Mustang. First, you will need to lift up the hood and locate/disconnect all wiring harnesses. Then remove the bolt around the ai ...
If you liked the mini dragster powered by 6 circular saws, then you'll love this Harley-Davidson powered by 24 chainsaws (complete with hot babe). "Twelve engines are mounted in two rows of six on ei ...