How do you make a 1950 Studebaker even cooler? By installing an iPod Nano in the dashboard, of course!
The folks over at MAYA Design hacked their way to a touch-controlled sound system with this project they've dubbed the "Nano-Baker" (or "Stude-iPod") using a pair of Apple ear buds, a USB cable, a voltage regulator and a set of speakers. Here's how they pulled it off.
First, remove the clock module from the dashboard and its housing and give it a new faceplate and black backing to make the contrast sharper.
Hot glue the iPod Nano onto the faceplate, then fit it back into the housing.
Once the module is put back together, route the audio and charging cables and hot glue them into place.
Cut off the ear buds and solder a mini-stereo headphone jack onto the end.
Route the cables into the dashboard and put the clock back in its place. Now it's time to make a charging circuit. For this you'll need a low dropout regulator, which will be wired to the ignition switch. See the schematic below for details on how to connect it.
Connect the speakers and charging circuit and mount the wires under the dash. You can use Velcro to make this really simple.
Now try it out! You can use the iPod Nano as a clock...
Or to listen to the radio or your music library.
Want to try it for yourself? Visit MAYA's tutorial for more details and check out this sweet edible robot to see more of their work.
Want to try something a little more modern? Try installing an iPad in your car instead. More of an Android user? Here's how you can use your phone to play music in your car.
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