News: DIY Freak Builds Mini Dragster Powered By 6 Circular Saws

DIY Freak Builds Mini Dragster Powered By 6 Circular Saws

Power tool drag racing is a concept that would drive many DIY nuts to salivation. Shown below: Barry Lee's mini dragster, powered by six circular saws, and aptly named Bolt Lightning.

DIY Freak Builds Mini Dragster Powered By 6 Circular Saws

Lee entered Bolt Lightning into the Power Tool Drag Racing Championship, held this weekend in Yeovil, UK. The contest entries are drag racing vehicles engineered with everything from belt sanders to angle grinders to drills and circular saws. The winner will walk away with £3,000.

According to Metro, "the mini dragsters can reach speeds of up to 112kph (70mph) on a 100m (320ft) strip because of their lightweight bodies".

A slew of clips from past competitions are posted on YouTube, but I look forward to seeing Lee's 2010 Bolt Lightning in action. Video please!

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Thanks for sharing

That thing is sweet!

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