News: Motorhead Builds 367 MPH Jet-Powered School Bus

Motorhead Builds 367 MPH Jet-Powered School Bus

Indianapolis-based motor junkie Paul Stender and his team of vehicle modders called the Indy Boys Inc have created the ultimate anti-fuel economy: a school bus outfitted with a Phantom fighter jet engine, which clocks 367 mph and burns 150 gallons of fuel in just a quarter mile.

Stender says:

"'I built the bus for two reasons. The first is to entertain people because, come on, it's a jet bus. The second, is to keep kids off drugs. Jets are hot, drugs are not...

We do a lot of displays at schools and we are trying to show them there's more to life than sitting in front of computers.'"

I'd say a healthy chunk of the red-blooded American male population would prefer this to a computer. But I've been wrong before.

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That's interesting.

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