Wish you could make the shift to electric or hybrid, but you can't afford it? If you've got more than a few free weekends on your hands, you may want to consider undertaking Benjamin Nelson's ambitious (to say the very least) car conversion project.
Follow along in this instructional video as Jeri Ellsworth demonstrates how to fabricate and install the passenger side bracing on dirt track racecar being built from a 1981 Camaro. The materials and tools needed for this project include a 1 3/4 x .120 tubing, an "Affordable Bender" bender, a Millermatic welder and a Hypertherm 43 plasma cutter.
Learn to fabricate the halo and window posts with some tubing and a Millermatic welder into a dirt track racecar being built from a 1981 Camaro. The materials and tools needed for this project include a 1 3/4 x .120 tubing, an "Affordable Bender" bender, a Millermatic welder and a Hypertherm 43 plasma cutter.
Fabricate and build door bars (aka sissy bars) for a full tube chassis 1981 Camaro racecar by following along in this instructional video with Jeri Ellsworth. The door bars are being built for a very rugged car, designed to withstand a large amount of side impact. Tools and materials needed for this project include 1 3/4 x .120 tubing, an "Affordable Bender" tubing bender, a Millermatic welder and a Hypertherm 43 plasma cutter.
Learn how to fabricate and install a rollbar into a 1981 Camaro being converted into a racecar. In this video, Jeri Ellsworth bends and cuts tubing into a rollbar and welds it into place. Tools and materials needed for this project include 1 3/4 x .120 tubing, an "Affordable Bender" tubing bender, a Millermatic welder and a Hypertherm 43 plasma cutter.
Learn how to tie subframe rails together with a Millermatic welder as this 1981 Camaro gets rebuilt into a racecar. In this video, Jeri Ellsworth welds the rails and shows proper preparation and technique. Tools and materials needed for this project include 1 3/4 x .120 tubing, an "Affordable Bender" tubing bender, a Millermatic welder and a Hypertherm 43 plasma cutter.
Not only does this solar-powered cinema have all the trimmings of a great movie theater — ticket booth, brick façade, Ionic columns, popcorn machine, fancy art deco signage —, it is itself remarkably trim:
While safety belt warnings are there for a reason, the constant sound of "ping, ping, ping" can get pretty annoying. If you'd rather not deal with the constant reminders, check out this video to learn how to disable the warnings on your 2010 Chrysler Town & Country. Be warned - this modification may be illegal in your state, so proceed with caution.
The iPad is the king of the tablet PC's. One of the reasons tablet PC's are so awesome is that their thinness and lack of folding allows them to be used in positions where normal computers and even netboooks cannot. This, it turns out, makes them perfect for installing in car! This video will walk you through the process of installing an iPad into the dash of a car, which is pretty freaking baller.
Does an electric racing go-kart sound like something you could have in your life? We thought so too. This video will walk you through how one man built what he calls the Neurotikart, an insanely fast DIY electric go-kart that will thrill you without making you cough up two-stroke fumes for a week afterwards.
The release of Tron: Legacy is just two weeks away, and if our in depth guide to Tron-a-Sutra didn't get you revved up, perhaps the street legal Tron Light Cycle will.
Perry Watkins' clownish mini car, "The Wind Up", is officially the world's smallest street legal vehicle, standing at 41 inches high, 51 inches long and 26 inches wide. The wind up mechanism is purely cosmetic; the car operates as a regular-sized car does, with a tiny engine that can go up to 60kph (37mph).
If you're thinking about making some minor paint repairs on your vehicle, getting that paint to match the color on your car can be a difficult task. This video will help you out by showing you how to blend your automotive paint to match the existing color.
In this tutorial, we learn how to install Recon LED Strobes and HIDs on a truck. You must first learn where each of the tires need to install and make sure they are placed in the right direction for what you want the lights to look like. After this, you will connect one side to the white wire on the positive. Then, you will leave the white disconnected on the other side for the flash to alternate between each of the lights. These will look great on a big truck! Just make sure to follow the...
If you've just finished your paint job on your vehicle, then you're not done yet— you still have to clean up, and making sure the paint gun you used is properly cleaned is the key to successful future spray painting. This video shows you how use clean the spray gun with a paint gun washer.
If you're painting your auto yourself, you might need a little help if you've never done it before, especially when it comes to the primer sealer and apply your first base coat of paint. This video will show you how to do just that. An OEM fender was already prepped by sanding with 500 grit sandpaper on a DA with a soft pad and surfing the edges with a maroon scuff pad.
Kudos to Fred Keller and Judy Foster, of Anchorage, Alaska, for undertaking quite possibly the DIY project of the year. The retired couple spent 11 months converting a 1976 Mazda pickup truck into a gigantic radio flyer wagon car.
In this tutorial, we learn how to install a cold air intake for a 96-04 Mustang. First, you will need to lift up the hood and locate/disconnect all wiring harnesses. Then remove the bolt around the air filter housing and set aside. Separate the intake and the housing, then pull out the air filter housing. Reinstall rubber grommets that may have come out, then disconnect all hoses from the engine. Put the intake and the pieces together, then you will start to place it back into the car the way...
Power tool drag racing is a concept that would drive many DIY nuts to salivation. Shown below: Barry Lee's mini dragster, powered by six circular saws, and aptly named Bolt Lightning.
Hydrogen can be used to improve mileage. The hope with this method is that hydrogen will increase the amount of gasoline combusted and increase fuel efficiency, as you trickle hydrogen into the tank. Often propane is used to increase gas mileage. The studies are still being done. There's no official data at present, but there is significant experimentation.
Gottlieb Daimler's "Revolutionary Riding Car" of 1885 doesn't look like a car (in truth, it would be more analogous to what we recognize today as a motorcycle), but it did mark the very first inkling of the automobile age.
Indianapolis-based motor junkie Paul Stender and his team of vehicle modders called the Indy Boys Inc have created the ultimate anti-fuel economy: a school bus outfitted with a Phantom fighter jet engine, which clocks 367 mph and burns 150 gallons of fuel in just a quarter mile.
In this video, we learn how to install chase tail lights on a Mustang. First, you need to remove the rear trunk panel and trim piece. Next, prepare your tail light kit by following the directions that are given to you with the package. Next, cut the tail light wire. Now, put on your turn signal and take note of which light it still blinking, then mark it with electrical tape. Now, swap that light into the in board position and run the new wires by rewiring the new lights into the tail light. Do...
Just like a car, having your mirrors adjusted to the right position can be a big help. They are important to use when trying to change lanes and can help prevent serious accidents.
China's latest futuristic project is a massive "3D Express Coach", a clever project proposed by Shenzhen Hashi Future Parking Equipment Co. as a solution to traffic in the extremely overpopulated country.
If you own a Toyota Tundra and are looking to change things up a bit inside your car, this tutorial may be what you need. In this video you'll find out how to install a TRD supercharger to your truck. More specifically, a 2008 Toyota Tundra 5.7L V8.
In this tutorial, we learn how to build a subwoofer for a Mini Cooper. Start off by cutting the wood so it's to the exact sizes that you need. Next, attach the walls of the subwoofer together with a screwdriver and screws. After this, apply wood glue to the inside of the wood to make sure it's stuck together. Next, make a circular piece of wood for the speaker, then cut a hole in the back of the box. Insert your speaker to the subwoofer and string the wires through the back. When you are...
If you're getting tired of all the commercials on the radio or want to listen to your favorite book while on the road, then this next tutorial might help. If you have an iPod, then listen up!
This weekend in a jungle estuary, the DEA and local Ecuadorian police seized a prototype narco sub that may be the most sophisticated one yet. Complete with air conditioning and periscope, this 100 foot creation would have carried a more cocaine tonnage than any previously captured narco sub. To give you a perspective on the resourcefulness of these outlaws, consider this. A U.S. Navy Virginia Class attack submarine will run around $2.8 billion. But a drug lord in Cartagena would make you one...
In this video, we learn how to mix automotive or car paint. To begin, you want to look at your car information to find out what kind and color of paint they used on it originally. Once you have this information, you can take it to an automotive shop and they can do a code search for what to mix together to get this specific color. You may have more than one option on how to make the color, depending on what it is and what year your car is. Next, you can have the paint made and tested to see if...
I you are interested in installing a ham or cb radio in your car, this two part tutorial should help. In these videos, you'll find out how to install a ham radio in a Jeep Liberty. It's a tricky task and requires that you make a few holes here and there, but in the end the result will be a car that has a useful ham radio in it. So good luck, be careful not to cut any wires, and enjoy!
One great feature about cars, is the ability to customize certain parts and features that match your style. Headlights, steering wheel, tires, almost anything can be changed to match your personality. One of the easiest parts of the car to change would be the headlights.
One great thing about cars, beside the fact that it can get you from point A to point B, is the fact thatyou can customize it to fit your personality. This can be done in a variety of different ways, but one of the easiest involved the head lights. Before attempting this tutorial, check your state laws on what kind of headlights you are allowed to have.
It may not seem that important, but time is important for many people, especially those who can call their car their work space. So, knowing how to change the time in any vehicle is always important. And in this tutorial, you'll find out how to change the time to a 2010 Kia Rio using a few easy to follow steps. So good luck, enjoy, and drive safely!
In this next tutorial, its something that not many people would think is that important, until they're late. Yes, it's the time on a car. Each car has a cool way of showing the time and it can take a few buttons in order to get it to the right time. In this video, you'll be finding out how to change the time on a 2010 Nissan Sentra Spec-V. It's pretty easy to do and will just take a matter fo minutes. So good luck and enjoy!
Bluetooth is a great feature to have on your car for many reaons. One of the biggest being, that many states are now adopting laws that may it illegal to text or talk on a phone while dirivng. So, owning a car that has the bluetooth feature already in it, is great for drivers. So in this tutorial, you'll be finding out how to setup bluetooth on a 2010 Kia Sportage. Good luck and enjoy!
Now before checking out this next tutorial, it's a good idea to read your owner's manual to find out if you have tilt steering. If you do, then this video is for you. Not all cars are the same, but one cool feature is the ability to tilt the steering wheel up and down. It's something that has been around for years, but has improved with time. Not only can you move it up and down, but now you can pull it and push it away. So check out this tutorial on how to adjust tilt steering in your vehicle....
Setting up bluetooth in your vehicle is an easy task that anyone can complete. Bluetooth is a great and useful gadget that enables drivers to have conversations on their phone, without ever having to lift it from their dash. It's also a vital gadget to have in some states, since texting and calling while driving is becoming illegal. So in this tutorial, you'll be finding out how to setup bluetooth in a 2011 Hyundai Sonata. Good luck and enjoy!
Each year, new gadgets and features are being put into cars to help the overall experience when driving. Massagers, seat warmers, and mp3 player jacks are just a few of the new things. One thing that remains true, but has gone through a bit of a change, is the car radio. People can still tune in and listen in to their favorite stations with just a push of a button. But setting the radio stations is easier than ever. Instead of always switching back and forth from AM to FM, there are ways that...
With so many cars, vans, and suvs storage is important as ever. Taking seats out used to be the only way you could ever get enough space for big bulky objects, but thanks to innovation and some smart people, it's easier than ever. And you'll see just that in this tutorial for how to use the rear stow'n go on a 2010 Dodge Grand Caravan. Good luck and enjoy!
If you were to compare cars nowadays to cars in the past, you can see how much technology has affected and grown. Window defrosters, navigation systems, and even chair warmers. Yes, cars are built to help make driving more comfortable for people. One of the newest features in some cars, is a massager. This is great for helping the driver relax and can be great for those with bad backs. So check out this tutorial on how to use the massager on a 2010 Ford Taurus. Good luck and enjoy!
One of the great things about owning your own car, is the ability to customize it to look like whatever you want. You can change the wheels, horn, and even add on to the car. In this tutorial, you'll be finding out how to install a spoiler to a BMW E46 330ci. It may seem easy to do, but depending on experience, may be a difficult challenge for some. So good luck and enjoy!
The great thing about customizing cars, is that not only can you improve the performance of a vehicle, but you can also make fellow drivers jealous with certain parts. But in this tutorial, you'll be finding out how to install a sprint booster for a BMW E38, 39, and 46. Even though this device is small, it does help improve the throttle response and is easy to apply to the car. So check it out, pay attention, and enjoy!
It's time to go racing! Well, not exactly. But in this next tutorial, you'll be finding out how to install a supersprint race muffler to a BMW E46 M3. This can not only improve the performance of your vehicle, but make it sound like a beast on the road. It's a fairly difficult project to tackle but can be done with the right tools and know how. So check out the video and good luck!
The great thing about owning a car, is that you're able to customize almost every part of it. This can result in better performance and something that sounds cool or looks cool. In this tutorial, you'll be finding out how to install a sprintboost on a 2008 Mini Cooper S. This can give you a faster throttle response in your car and improves the performance of your vehicle significantly. So check it out and good luck!
if you're looking to change things up on your Mini Cooper, this tutorial may be what you're looking for. In this video, you'll be installing a supersprint exhaust on a 2008 R56 Mini Cooper S. Installing a new exhaust can not only improve the performance of your car, but make it sound much better as well. So check out this tutorial for more information and good luck!
25-year-old Chen Jinmiao of rural China dreamt of one day owning his own Lamborghini. But the truth is, it was highly unlikely he would ever be able to afford one. The lorry driver then undertook an impossibly difficult project- figuring out how to build a replica for considerably less cash. A year and approximately $3,000 later, he achieved his goal.
In most states, it's illegal to drive while talking on your mobile phone, but that is easily remedied with hands-free calling. If your cell phone comes equipped with Bluetooth, you can sync it right to your 2010 Lincoln MKZ using Ford SYNC. This video shows you the steps to connecting your phone up in your vehicle. Now you'll have more hands for coffee and cigarettes and donuts.
On the 2010 Lincoln Navigator there's a handy feature called the deployable running boards, which are essentially step bars that automatically deploy when the car door is opened, to help you step inside your vehicle. This video demonstrates how they work, and how you can shut them on or off, because not everybody will find these useful — tall people definitely won't.
Imagine, never needing to unlock your car door with a key. Actually, it's been around for a while, and it's called keyless remote entry, but on the 2010 Lincoln MKS, it's not remote… it's built directly into the side of the car door. It's a number pad with a programmable security code. This video will show you how to unlock your vehicle without even reaching into your pocket! If you have a MKS.
Sometimes, changing the time in your vehicle can be tricky. You have to lug out the owner's manual and try to navigate through all the technical talk, but if you own a 2010 Ford Fusion, this video will show you how to change the time, step-by-step. Setting the time on the clock doesn't have to be difficult.
one of the great things about cars nowadays, is that they come with great new features that make driving a lot more fun. One of those features is the addition of a plug jack for listening to mp3 players. In this video tutorial, you'll be finding out how to connect your iPod or mp3 player with a 2010 Kia Forte. So good luck and enjoy!
With more and more states implementing laws that prevent drivers from driving and talking at the same time, car companies are taking notice. That's why with so many of the cars nowadays, are coming equipped with the ability to connect with a phone via bluetooth. It's a great way to speak on the phone and drive safely at the same time. So check out how to connect your bluetooth phone with a 2010 Nissan Altima. Enjoy!